Connect. Support. Thrive.

November is a time to support Veterans and their Caregivers during National Family Caregivers Month. This month, Lock and Talk Virginia is recognizing our Hidden Heroes and working to increase awareness and resources to service members, veterans, and their families. This year our theme, “Connect. Support. Thrive” focuses on highlighting the unique needs of military families and to encourage them to seek support, no matter the need. To build their network and utilize the many community resources around them. This month, we hope to continue to bring not only awareness but a sense of healing and empowerment to our Hidden Heroes and the Service Members and Veterans alongside them.
Join the Lock and Talk National Family Caregivers Month Campaign:
- Sharing valuable resources, such as available mental wellness trainings and services offered in your area
- Posting one of our Key Messages, as well as local resources, to your social media platforms using our Social Media Toolkit
- Listening to and sharing our iHeart radio ad and staff videos on the importance of recognizing and supporting our Hidden Heroes
This November, we recognize our Hidden Heroes, the caregivers beside our Service Members and Veterans and the unique roles they play every day. National Family Caregivers Month allows us to recognize the spouses, children, family, and friends who care for our military members and provide resources for them to feel connected and supported.
There are more than 5.5 million military caregivers in the United States. All have unique stories, challenges, and strengths. Caring for service members and Veterans can affect mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing. In fact, 25% of caregivers have experienced thoughts of suicide since becoming a caregiver.
We also recognize that military families can experience non-service related stressors and that they have vital needs such as employment and financial support, childcare, relationship support and access to resources.
Important resources to reference and share throughout the month include:
- VA Caregiver Support Coordinator in Virginia
- VA Caregiver Support resources
- Call the Caregiver Support Line at 855-260-3274 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
- Military OneSource
- Elizabeth Dole Foundation
- Virginia Community Services Boards (CSBs)
- Learn about services available in your area or sign up for free Mental Health trainings today!
- Are you a Veteran, Service Member or concerned about someone you love? Crisis support is available through the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. Call 988 and Press 1, text 838255 for Veterans Crisis Textline or chat online here
Military caregivers don’t often ask for help, but they deserve our support. We want our Hidden Heroes to know that we see them and there is help for whatever their need may be.
Social Media Kit
For Virginia CSBs and community partners
You may share these posts on your own social media platforms or simply share them from the Lock and Talk Virginia Facebook and Instagram pages.
Key messages to share throughout the month:
If you're a service member or Veteran caregiver, you know it’s important to be strong and resilient.
But, it's tough if you're not practicing self-care. This November, we recognize you, our Hidden Heroes.
Visit to access resources.
Connect. Support. Thrive.
If you're a service member or Veteran caregiver, your mental health is just as important as the person you're caring for.
This November, take some time for yourself and focus on your wellbeing. Consider talking to a therapist, joining a support group, or doing something that helps you relax and de-stress. It's important to take care of yourself, so you can continue to care for others.
Visit to access resources.
Connect. Support. Thrive.
Caring for service members and Veterans can affect mental wellbeing.
In fact, 25% of caregivers have experienced thoughts of suicide since becoming a caregiver.
These Hidden Heroes have critical needs: care coordination, a positive quality of life, employment and financial support, and access to resources.
We’re here for you. We see you.
Visit for more information.
#connect #support #thrive
Military caregivers don’t often ask for help, but they deserve our support.
We want our Hidden Heroes to know that we see them and there is help for whatever their need may be.
Help is available for you. Visit for more information and resources.
Connect. Support. Thrive.
A caregiver can be anyone.
This November, we recognize our Hidden Heroes, and the many roles they play in supporting our Service Members and Veterans.
Connect. Support. Thrive.
There are many resources available to caregivers and military families.
Visit to learn more about some of the services available in your area.
Connect. Support. Thrive.